Something like normal…

I think we can all agree that the last year or so has been unlike any other.

I’m an introvert and so the changes that came with lock-downs weren’t actually so bad for me. I kind of like that I don’t have to drive my daughter anywhere for her piano lesson… her teacher adapted and has been hosting lessons online for almost a year now. I also kind of like that we didn’t have to go to any evening sports practices for a while.

But my husband is an extrovert and thrives on interactions with people. Fortunately for him, he didn’t have to work from home— he’s in healthcare— but he has seen a lot of heart-breaking situations that have weighed heavily on him this year.

So, we were grateful when an opportunity came up for us to host an event that made things seem almost normal again.

Back in February, our church (Roswell Community Church) started planning an outdoor gathering and worship time. We were excited to offer our space on the farm for the event; my husband was so excited to have people around!

On Sunday, the weather was perfect for an outdoor gathering. People began arriving around 5. Folks brought picnics, and kids played in the yard and in the woods before the worship time started at 6.


After the worship time, people hung around to visit with each other. I was surprised by how many people attended who live fairly close by. We live about 20 minutes from church; I feel like most people live closer than that, and in other directions. Before the evening began, we knew of two other families that live nearby. That evening, I met at least three families that live in our area, which was a great encouragement to me. It makes me feel more connected to our church community.


I’m so grateful that we could use our space to host this event for the church. Seems like there’s a good chance we’ll do it again, even when the pandemic is gone!


What to do with skirt steak?


Derby Day